When I first discovered celery juice, my health was at an all-time low.  I was on disability with my job and was working with a very expensive functional doctor who had me on a high-fat, no-fruit diet.  He told me during testing that my liver wasn’t digesting fats properly, but gave me digestive enzymes to help break it down.  Call me crazy, but this seemed counterproductive!  I mean, why would I keep burdening my liver and then try to bandaid it?!

At this point I had a Crohn’s diagnosis but knew (with the help of my functional MD) that what was causing the symptoms was a toxic amount of heavy metals and 3 different bacteria in my gut (H.Pylori, C Difficile and streptococcus). While I had experienced some healing from the weekly IV’s I was getting, along with cutting out all eggs, gluten, dairy, canola oil, soy and additives/preservative out of my diet, I was struggling with the other nutritional information he was giving me (i.e. high fat/protein, no fruit).  I knew the fat was bothering my liver and gallbladder as I was experiencing pain and diarrhea (sorry, TMI!). 

About 2 months into my treatment, I stumbled upon celery juice on social media and my immediate reaction was, “why would you only drink celery juice?”, as I’ve always been of the mind set that adding other healthy things like kale, lemon, ginger, etc. to juice would only add more healing benefits.  I was still curious, however, and kept reading.  I found the Medical Medium (i.e. Anthony William, the creator of the celery juice movement) and suddenly it was like I had found the missing piece of the puzzle. I was so sick and desperate for answers that I hung onto his every word. But the thing is, it all made perfect sense!  Everything he said about what causes Crohn’s disease were things I actually had test results to validate. Basically, he says that Crohn’s disease is NOT YOUR BODY ATTACKING ITSELF! 

According to the Medical Medium, Crohn’s can be viral, bacterial or both (EBV and strep, H. Pylori, C Difficile, etc.), feeding on toxic heavy metals in the gut causing inflammation and pain.  Celery juice helps in amazing ways by doing all of the following:

– Calms inflammation by starving pathogens, including unproductive bacteria and viruses like Epstein-Barr Virus

  • Contains undiscovered mineral salts that act as antiseptics, killing and breaking down viruses and bacteria like EBV, shingles and Streptococcus (which are all largely responsible for chronic illness)
  • Acts as a diuretic to flush toxins out of the body
  • Improves kidney and adrenal health
  • Builds up hydrochloric acid levels (low levels of hydrochloric acid cause ammonia permeability and this is what actually causes “leaky gut”)
  • Improves methylation (ie the proper absorption of vitamins and minerals)
  • Lower chances of suffering from migraines, anxiety attacks, panic attacks and more
  • Repairs the liver
  • Improves thyroid conditions
  • Antibacterial, killing streptococcus which is what cause acne, UTIs, sinus infections, SIBO and more

I have personally healed or seen drastic improvements in the following:

  • all digestive issues
  • psoriasis
  • tinnitus
  • joint pain
  • MS symptoms
  • numbness and tingling in hands, feet and legs
  • cold extremities
  • brain fog
  • vertigo
  • anxiety
  • chronic fatigue
  • adrenal fatigue
  • lichen planus
  • acne
  • chronic hives
  • UTIs
  • ear infections
  • bronchitis

Celery juice is literally a win-win for your health.  I have been drinking it for 1.5 years now and my health has never been better.  Recently I’ve increased my dose from 16oz to 20oz and have noticed a few occasions where I had a bit of nausea and diarrhea.  These are both detox symptoms and personally I welcome them now, because the deeper I go with my detox, the more I know I’m healing!  That isn’t to say that you want to go full-force and detox too quickly, however, because that can also be extremely harmful to your body.

If you are struggling with Crohn’s disease or any auto-immune disease, I want to reiterate my previous statement and have you repeat that to yourself: YOUR BODY IS NOT ATTACKING ITSELF – it is attacking a pathogen and/or viruses that do not belong there. This was pivotal in my healing, as in, learning to re-trust my body and knowing that it’s actually working FOR me and NOT AGAINST me.  I promise you that yours is doing the same and celery juice is a wonderful addition to aid in supporting it.

How to Make Celery Juice:

Wash 1 bunch of celery and then run through a juicer.  Alternately you can blend in a high speed blender and strain through a cheese cloth or nut milk bag.

Start with 16oz every morning on an empty stomach and wait at least 15 minutes after drinking before consuming anything else.

If 16oz feels like too much, start with a smaller amount and slowly work your way up.

Use organic celery whenever possible.

I hope you give it a try because I am confident that you will see a beautiful shift in your health like I have.  Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments and follow along on Instagram for my daily celery adventures.


Courtney Celine Health